Create a Teams Meeting Link


This method requires at least one other attendee, and creates a normal event on your calendar.

  1. In the Teams application, select the Calendar tab from the sidebar, then click the New Meeting button

The New Meeting Details page will pop up.

2. On the new meeting page, do the following:

  • Enter a clear title for your meeting (if it is for a class, include the the course name and section).
  • Enter any email address in the Add required attendees box. At least one address needs to be invited to your meeting to create a shareable link to the meeting. You can use your own email address if you're unsure who will need the link.
  • Set the date and time for the meeting.
  • Enter a brief description for the meeting.
  • Click Send once all necessary information has been filled out.

3. After sending the meeting, click on it on your calendar in Teams.
This will open the meeting details page.

4. In the description field, there will now be a Click here to join the meeting link. Right click on the link, then select Copy Link.

5. Share the link with colleagues through email or other means.


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