Screen Recording with Microsoft Stream


Go to and sign in with your district account.

The following are directions for screen recording using this program.

Select CreateRecord screen in Microsoft Stream. 


When prompted by your browser, select Allow Microsoft Stream (Classic) to use your camera and microphone.

Select blobid3.pngorblobid4.png  to set up your camera and microphone. If you're using a USB camera or microphone, make sure it's plugged in and select it from the menu. You can also turn off your camera and microphone if you don't wish to include them in your recording.

You're now ready to start recording!


Record the screen

Selectblobid2.png to start recording.

Select which content from your screen you wish to share—your entire screen, an application window, or browser tab—then click Share. To include audio from your computer in the recording, select the checkbox Share audio.

Wait until the countdown for the recording to begin. Once you begin, you'll see a timer and the time limit.

You can now switch to the application or window you wish to record.

When you're finished recording, or if you want to take a break, switch back to the Microsoft Stream (Classic) screen recorder tab in your browser. 

Select  to pause recording the screen, audio, and camera at any time. Select  to Resume.

When you're finished, select Next to review your recording.

Review the recording

  1. On this page, select the Play button to review the recording. Select Record again if you're not satisfied and want to try again.
  2. When you're satisfied with your recording, select Upload to Stream to continue to the next step. 


If you want to trim the video, you can do so after uploading and processing the recording.


Upload screen recording

  1. On this page, your video will start uploading to Stream. While you wait, you can:
    • Monitor the uploading progress
    • Fill in the video name, description, and language in the details section
    • When published, everyone in your company will have permission to view your video. To make the video visible only to yourself, deselect this checkbox: Allow everyone in your company to watch this video
    • To set custom permissions, groups, channels, and other options, click Update video details
  2. After the upload is complete, you can either publish or save, as follows:
  3. Click Publish. Your video is now ready! Select Go to Videoto go to the video page on Stream (Classic) and watch or share your video. After processing is complete, you can also trim your video by selecting the More actions menu , then click  Trim video.
  4. Click Save as draft if you're not yet ready to publish your video. Your video will be saved to My ContentVideos in Stream, from where you can publish it at any time.
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