The link below is the full article on configuring pivot interactives within canvas.
Steps 1 and 2 are already in place by the district - You will need to begin at Step 3.
Option 2: Add Pivot Interactives to a specific course (Course Instructor)
Log into Canvas as an instructor for the course to which you want to add Pivot Interactives
Scroll down to the Settings menu under the course menu.
In the Apps tab, click View App Configurations
Click the +App button.
Select By Client ID in the Configuration Type field.
Copy and paste the 14-20 digit number from Part 1 into the Client ID field.
- This 14-20 digit number can be found by logging into Canvas
>Admin>St. Joseph School District>Developer Keys
- This 14-20 digit number can be found by logging into Canvas
Click the Submit button and, when prompted, the Install button.
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