When a student cannot hear the audio or has no sound after plugging in their headphones below are steps to ensure that the headphones are connected and detected by the device.
For sound problems with student devices when they're connected to Classroom Commander, please see this article: https://sjsdhelp.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/8531458253723-Student-Device-Sound-issues-when-connected-to-Classroom-Commander
1. Open MaxxAudioPro program
2. Click playback/speaker icon on top left, then click advanced
3. Make sure the box Is checked to show Pop-up
4. Plug in headphones, this box should come up. Be sure student selects option appropriate for device being used. If they will always use headphones, for example you can check the box here so this doesn’t pop up again.
5. If this box does not come up after following these steps, please submit a ticket to helpdesk as there may be other problems going on that need addressed.
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